5 Tips On How To Get Glowing, Radiant Skin

Getting that glow. You know the one, when cheeks are brighter, more luminous, and skin looks lit from within.

By simple

Add an exfoliator to your skincare routine

Ah, dull skin. Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint what makes it look that way, but when it’s dull, you can tell. Not as lovely or radiant, and a little lackluster. Sometimes it can be from a build-up of dead skin cells, dehydration and day-to-day grime.

Enter: exfoliation. Adding a gentle exfoliator like an exfoliating scrub or exfoliating face wash to your skincare routine once a week is a simple way to lift away dead skin cells for brighter, more even-textured skin underneath. A warm, moistened washcloth is a great way to gently buff while you cleanse. Pay extra attention to flaky lips (it’ll make for the smoothest red lip application—we promise).

Look out for Vitamin C

It’s not just for your morning OJ, this vitamin is well known for its radiant skin boosting and brightening properties when used in skincare. It’s also an antioxidant and can help protect your skin against some environmental aggressors.

Moisturize your skin radiant

Dull and sallow skin is probably lacking a bit of moisture. Once you’ve exfoliated and cleansed, layer on a good moisturizer that’s best suited for your skin, which hydrates too.

Step up your exercise

We know, getting a good workout can be a mission. You’re tired, it’s late (or too early!) but exercise can help improve skin’s circulation, giving your skin some glow. Just remember to cleanse post-workout to keep your now-glowy skin clean and feeling fresh.

It’s all about a skincare routine

Healthy-looking skin is radiant, glowy skin. Other than your genes (and drinking lots of water), healthy-looking skin comes from a balanced, consistent skincare routine. Choose the right glowing skin products for you, and if you can get cleansing properly and follow up with a skin-loving moisturizer, you’re well on your way to getting glowing, radiant skin.

It’s true! Glowing and radiant skin is not just for a lucky few. We’ve seen that there are easy ways to get glowing skin, so now you know how to make your skin glow with just a few skincare routine tweaks.